Love, Joy, Peace...
Matthew 6:24


There's nothing wrong with owning things, but a Christ-follower must love Jesus more than any personal possession. Jesus said, "In the same way, therefore, every one of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:33).

This always upsets people. "You mean I have to give up my car, my house, my money?" Yes. Did you expect me to say no? I say yes, we must give up these things if they become possessions.

The problem is not having something. The problem is possessing it. To possess it means that I hold on to it so tightly that nothing other than God can pry it loose from me. If we love something more than we love God, it's time to get rid of it. You can't possess your possessions and expect to possess Christ too. The Bible makes it clear we will have to choose between our love for God and love of possessions.

Do you cling too tightly to your belongings? What do you own that is at risk of being an idol?

(Dr. Tony Evans- No More Excuses)

Destiny Baptist Church of Christ
226-17th Street, PO Box 6512, Rock Island, IL 61201
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