Love, Joy, Peace...
About Us

Our Vision: To be a House of Prayer for all races, (Isaiah 56:7b., Mark 11:17). 

Our Mission: To make disciples for Christ from all races (ethnic groups) through evangelism. To make every Believer a Disciple. (Matthew 28:18-20). As a Disciple, you matter.  As a Disciple, your membership matters!  Membership is expected of every Disciple. 

The 7-fold plan to fulfill the vision & mission God gave us IS the Destiny Affirmation:

                           Destiny Affirmation

We are the People of Destiny. We’re here by GOD’s design

We are the People of Destiny. We are a People of Prayer. In prayer, we speak to GOD seeking HIS purpose, plan and place for our lives, our church, and our world. Our priority goal is to be a “House of prayer for all races of people.”

We are the People of Destiny. We are a people of Praise. We gather often to worship God for WHO HE is, WHAT HE does, and WHAT HE says! We believe that the chief aim of man is to glorify GOD and enjoy HIM forever.

We are the People of Destiny. We are a People of Proclamation. We believe God reveals His will for His people through His preached Word. We listen to obey. We are followers of Christ.

We are the People of Destiny. We are a People of Pedagogy. We are learners of the Word of God. We STUDY the Word of GOD to know the will of GOD and the ways of GOD for the People of GOD. We are disciples.

We are the People of Destiny. We are a People of Purpose. We are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that (we) may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light. At one time (we) were not God’s people, but now (we) are His people; at one time (we) did not know God’s mercy, but now (we) have received His mercy.”

We are the People of Destiny. We are a People of Power. We serve a Mighty GOD! HE calls us to be “the salt of the earth (and) the light of the world.” THEREFORE, we live as winners and not whiners; we live as victors and not victims.

We are the People of Destiny. We’re a Place for all Peoples. We seek to make disciples of all the races. We seek everybody; THOUGH everybody is not for Destiny. We pray Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 10:2 that GOD will SEND HIS people to Destiny. HIS people will stay and serve.

Destiny Baptist Church of Christ
226-17th Street, PO Box 6512, Rock Island, IL 61201
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